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Music is a vital part of the curriculum at Cedar Park and contributes to the lifelong development of the whole person (intellectual, physical and social emotional). An important form of communication music reflects and affects society, culture and history.

Students experience singing, playing instruments, moving, and creating music. The study of music includes the study of the people, places, and cultures involved in its creation and performance.  It is important for students in every school setting to study a wide variety of musical styles, cultures, and genres experiencing music through mirrors (a reflection of themselves) and doorways (an opportunity to develop understanding about the wider world).

The curriculum includes many different teaching styles including Kodály and Orff Schulwerk, while meeting the National Standards for Music Education:

  • Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
  • Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
  • Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
  • Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
  • Reading and notating music.
  • Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
  • Evaluating music and music performances.
  • Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
  • Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Check out my Cedar Park Music Class website >

Cedar Park Song

Cedar Park, hey, we are the best.
We won't fail when put to the test!
We will be with you loyal and true!
Yes, we can succeed in all that we do!
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Cedar Park Panthers, that's our Path!
Cedar Park, we are the best.
We won't fail when put to the test!
We will be with you loyal and true!
Yes, we can succeed in all that we do!

kate culp

Kate Culp

Music teacher
651-683-6969, ext. 83550

music stations
music class kids